和春庭,白 玲.居民对怒江州生物多样性保护的态度和参与情况调查研究[J].林业调查规划,2022,(4):49-54
Residents′ Attitude and Participation in Biodiversity Conservation in Nujiang Prefecture
中文关键词: 生物多样性  国家公园  问卷调查  怒江州
英文关键词: biodiversity  national park  questionnaire investigation  Nujiang Prefecture
和春庭 怒江傈僳族自治州林业和草原局云南 怒江 673199 
白 玲 国家林业和草原局林草调查规划院北京 100011 
摘要点击次数: 234
全文下载次数: 278
      SPSS software was used to conduct descriptive statistics on 198 questionnaire data of residents in Nujiang Prefecture, and quantitatively analyze residents′ attitude and willingness to participate in biodiversity conservation and national park construction. The results showed that the residents had a very positive attitude towards biodiversity protection, a strong willingness to support and participate in the construction of national parks, and a great difference in the willingness of ecological immigrants and relocation. The recognition and participation in the formulation of conservation policies and the cognition level of biodiversity conservation should be further improved. According to the reality of Nujiang, this paper put forward the measures to promote biodiversity conservation, such as strengthening publicity and education, establishing and perfecting the system of natural protected areas, exerting the positive role of traditional culture, and mastering the background of natural resources.
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