袁慧敏,罗时娟,袁贤超,陈 祥,杨明富.印江自治县林业有害生物种类、危害及治理对策[J].林业调查规划,2022,(4):90-95
Species, Damage and Control Countermeasures of Forest Pests in Yinjiang County
中文关键词: 林业有害生物;种类;寄主植物;治理对策  印江自治县
英文关键词: forest pests  type  host plants  control countermeasures  Yinjiang Tujia and Miao Autonomous County
袁慧敏 印江土家族苗族自治县林业局贵州 印江 555200 
罗时娟 印江土家族苗族自治县林业局贵州 印江 555200 
袁贤超 印江土家族苗族自治县林业局贵州 印江 555200 
陈 祥 印江土家族苗族自治县林业局贵州 印江 555200 
杨明富 印江土家族苗族自治县林业局贵州 印江 555200 
摘要点击次数: 213
全文下载次数: 274
      The damage status and causes of forest pests were analyzed by sorting out the general survey data of forest pests in Yinjiang Tujia and Miao Autonomous County over the years and carrying out supplementary investigation. A total of 115 species of forest pests were identified, which were divided into 79 species of insect pests, including to 1 species of Arachnida, and 78 species of Insecta belonging 34 families and 5 orders; 30 species of diseases, including 23 species of fungi, 2 species of mycoplasma-like organisms, 2 species of ectoparasitic plants, 1 species of nematodes and 2 species of non-infectious diseases; 6 alien invasive species. Keteleeria pubescens was the host of Dendrolimus kikuchii and Dendrolimus punctatus. Some countermeasures were put forward, such as strengthening biodiversity protection, promoting habitat adaptability, improving stand structure, advancing the scientific management level of economic forest, scientifically designing garden greening, strengthening plant quarantine and investigation and monitoring of forest pests.
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