廖水意,唐 刚,吴书德,罗宇谦,缪绅裕.广东连南板洞自然保护区种子植物区系研究[J].林业调查规划,2022,(6):10-14
Flora of Seed Plants in Bandong Provincial Nature Reserve of Liannan of Guangdong Province
中文关键词: 板洞省级自然保护区  种子植物  区系  分布区类型
英文关键词: Bandong Provincial Nature Reserve  seed plant  flora  areal type
廖水意 广东连南板洞省级自然保护区管理处广东 连南 513300 
唐 刚 广东连南板洞省级自然保护区管理处广东 连南 513300 
吴书德 广东连南板洞省级自然保护区管理处广东 连南 513300 
罗宇谦 广州大学生命科学学院广东 广州 510006 
缪绅裕 广州大学生命科学学院广东 广州 510006 
摘要点击次数: 252
全文下载次数: 328
      广东连南板洞省级自然保护区面积10 195.8 hm2,是森林生态系统类型保护区。调查发现保护区种子植物新记录科2个(旌节花科Stachyuraceae和鹿蹄草科Pyrolaceae),新记录属66个,新记录种218个;广东分布新记录种4个;保护区野生维管植物增至204科、702属、1 451种,其中裸子植物7科、10属、12种,被子植物162科、630属、1 321种。种子植物的科、属属于热带分布型的共91科、387属,分别占保护区非世界分布科、属的72.22%、65.03%,热带成分占有明显优势,属所具有温带性质比科略强。保护区内中国特有分布属15个,珍稀濒危保护野生种子植物达28科、50属、56种。
      Bandong Provincial Nature Reserve in Liannan has an area of 10 195.8 hm2, and is a forest ecosystem type reserve. The survey found 2 newly recorded families (Stachyuraceae and Pyrolaceae), 66 newly recorded genera and 218 newly recorded species in seed plants, including 4 newly recorded species in Guangdong Province; the number of wild vascular plants in the reserve had increased to 1 451 species, 702 genera and 204 families, including 12 species of gymnosperms belonging to 10 genera and 7 families, and 1 321 species of angiosperms belonging to 630 genera and 162 families.The tropical components of seed plants were 387 genera and 91 families, accounting for 65.03% and 72.22% of the non-world distribution genera and families in the reserve, respectively, the tropical composition had obvious advantages, and the temperate nature of the genus was slightly stronger than that of the family. There were 15 genera endemic to China, and 56 species belonging to 50 genera and 28 families of rare and endangered protected wild seed plants in the reserve.
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