贠 航,张晓文.森林康养对人体健康的影响研究综述[J].林业调查规划,2022,(6):135-140
Review of Effects of Forest Based Health and Wellness on Human Health
中文关键词: 森林康养  人体健康  森林环境  康养要素
英文关键词: forest based health and wellness  human health  forest environment  health care elements
贠 航 商洛学院 健康管理学院陕西 商洛 726000 
张晓文 商洛学院 健康管理学院陕西 商洛 726000 
摘要点击次数: 697
全文下载次数: 346
      Forest based health and wellness includes static activities such as forest sitting in meditation, and dynamic activities such as forest walking, tai chi, yoga and marathon. The forest environment has seven health care elements of air negative oxygen ions, plant essence (also known as phytoncide), forest microclimate, green vision rate, acoustic environment, oxygen and clean water. This paper expounded the beneficial effects of forest based health and wellness on human immune function, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, nervous system, respiratory system, mental health and chronic pain, but there were still some shortcomings such as relatively few evidence-based medical research, weak scientific research design and relatively limited research data. Therefore, this paper proposed to carry out research on the impact of forest based health and wellness on the condition of patients with depression, diabetes mellitus,chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other diseases, supplement evidence-based medicine related knowledge, gradually establish a sound basic research system, and carry out research on the safety of forest based health and wellness to form a scientific program.
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