Extraction of Ecological Corridor Based on Feature Fusion Image Segmentation Algorithm
中文关键词: 特征融合  图像分割  卷积神经网络  蚁群算法  信息素  生态廊道提取
英文关键词: feature fusion  image segmentation  convolutional neural network  ant colony algorithm  pheromone  extraction of ecological corridor
葛军阳 长沙市规划勘测设计研究院湖南 长沙 410007 
张宝铮 长沙市规划勘测设计研究院湖南 长沙 410007 
摘要点击次数: 729
全文下载次数: 575
      In order to extract the shortest path ecological corridor and take into account the migration feasibility of various organisms, an ecological corridor extraction method based on feature fusion image segmentation algorithm was proposed. Color features and texture features were integrated to obtain the area of interest of the ecological corridor, the convolutional neural network model was built to divide the landscape of the study area into forest land, cultivated land, grassland, water and other types, and a path grid map accordingly was constructed; the two-dimensional pheromone update strategy and the dynamic heuristic factor pheromone factor strategy were used to improve the traditional ant colony algorithm, the improved ant colony algorithm was used to plan the shortest ecological corridor path based on a grid graph. The experimental results showed that the image segmentation F value of the modified method was between 0.954 and 0.984, and the fluctuation was small; the extracted ecological corridor path was relatively short, with fewer inflection points, making it easier to realize material flow between the starting point and the end point.
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