刘冰许,赵洪涛,赵文珍,翟运力,白小军,许智新,刘继华,计 燕,刘振华,徐 蕾,张婷凤.郑州市野生鸟类资源研究[J].林业调查规划,2024,49(2):176-183
Investigation and Research on Wild Bird Resources in Zhengzhou City
中文关键词: 鸟类资源  物种多样性  居留型  区系成分  保护等级  郑州市
英文关键词: bird resources  species diversity  residence type  faunal components  protection level  Zhengzhou City
刘冰许 郑州市动物园(郑州市犬只收容站)河南 郑州 450008 
赵洪涛 平顶山市园林绿化中心河南 平顶山 467000 
赵文珍 郑州市城区河道管理处河南 郑州 450008 
翟运力 洛宁县下峪镇农业服务中心河南 洛宁 471700 
白小军 宜阳县林业技术指导站河南 宜阳 471600 
许智新 固始县林业技术推广站河南 固始 465200 
刘继华 郑州市动物园(郑州市犬只收容站)河南 郑州 450008 
计 燕 郑州市人民公园河南 郑州 450000 
刘振华 太康县林业局河南 太康 461400 
徐 蕾 洛阳市牡丹产业发展中心河南 洛阳 471000 
张婷凤 河南省自然博物馆河南 郑州 450000 
摘要点击次数: 740
全文下载次数: 569
      This study investigated the biodiversity, faunal distribution and habitat of birds in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province from 2014 to 2019. A total of 304 species in 52 families of 16 orders were recorded, including 40 species of exotic birds in 16 families and 12 orders. Among them, mountain birds were the most (197 species), rivers and paddy fields were the most similar (0.71), with 78 species of birds. There were 46 species (15.13%) of Oriental birds, 155 species (50.99%) of Palaearctic birds and 103 species (33.88%) of widespread species, and 90 species (29.61%) of resident birds, 59 species (19.41%) of summer migratory birds, 71 species (23.36%) of winter migratory birds and 84 species (27.63%) of migratory birds. The bird resources had 17 species of national first-level key protected birds, with 3 exotic species, 47 species of national second-level key protected birds, with 7 exotic species, and 21 species of provincial key protected birds. 7 species of birds and 8 exotic species were listed in Appendix I of CITES. Critically endangered (CR), endangered (EN), vulnerable (VU), and near threatened (NT) levels were 3, 4, 8 and 4 species, respectively. 147 specie were on the list of the China-Japan Agreement on the Protection of Birds, and 40 species were on the list of the China-Australia Agreement on the Protection of Birds. The results showed that the birds in Zhengzhou City were mixed in the north and south as a whole, showing a transition from the Palaearctic realm to the Oriental realm, with the Palaearctic component dominating. In the habitat analysis, water birds accounted for a large proportion of all birds except Passeriformes, indicating that more investment should be made in protecting water resources in the process of bird protection.
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