Climate Suitability and Potential Distribution of Sophora japonica L. Based on ArcGIS and MaxEnt Model
中文关键词:   最大熵模型  ArcGIS  潜在分布  环境因子
英文关键词: Sophora japonica L.  MaxEnt model  ArcGIS  potential distribution  environmental factor
景鹏飞 运城市农业农村局山西 运城 044000 
张智超 山西省夏县气象局山西 运城 044000 
廖伟雄 山西省夏县气象局山西 运城 044000 
申晓晨 运城市农业农村局山西 运城 044000 
赵佳文 山西省垣曲县气象局山西 运城 044000 
李苏霞 山西省芮城县气象局山西 运城 044000 
摘要点击次数: 715
全文下载次数: 610
      利用地理信息系统软件ArcGIS和最大熵模型MaxEnt,依据收集到的槐分布数据,结合环境因子,对影响槐的关键气候因子及适生等级进行分析。结果表明,影响槐分布的关键气候因子分别是最冷月最低温(Bio6)、年降水量(Bio12)、4月最低温(Tmin4);最适宜槐生长的基本生态位参数为最冷月最低温在-11.1~12.7℃,年降水量在480.0~2 455.0 mm,4月最低温在4.3~21.1℃。槐在全国范围内的中适生及以上区域主要集中在华东、华中全境以及东北、华北、西北、西南和华南的部分区域。本研究预测的结果与槐实际资源分布区域基本吻合,可为槐种质资源收集与种植规划布局提供参考依据。
      Based on the collected distribution data of wild Sophora japonica L., combined with the environmental factor, the ecological suitability and potential distribution of Sophora japonica L. was studied by using the MaxEnt model and ArcGIS software. The results showed that the key climate factors affecting the distribution of Sophora japonica L. were the lowest temperature in the coldest month (Bio6), annual precipitation (Bio12), and the lowest temperature in April (Tmin4); the ecological niche parameters for Sophora japonica L. were that the lowest temperature in the coldest month was -11.1-12.7℃, the average annual precipitation was 480.0-2 455.0 mm, and the lowest temperature in April was 4.3-21.1℃. Sophora japonica L. in China was mainly concentrated throughout east and central China, as well as in parts of northeast, north, northwest, southwest and south China. The predicted results were basically consistent with the actual distribution of Sophora japonica L., which could provide a reference basis for the resources protection, germplasm collections and reasonable development and utilization of wild Sophora japonica L..
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