杨德勇,白祖云,谭斌,郑克锐,陈正唐,赖叶青.国家二级保护野生植物红椿抢救性移栽技术探索 ———以白鹤滩水电站库区红椿移栽为例[J].林业调查规划,2024,49(3):23-28,181
国家二级保护野生植物红椿抢救性移栽技术探索 ———以白鹤滩水电站库区红椿移栽为例
Salvage Transplantation Techniques for National Second Level Protected Wild Plant Toona ciliata———A Case Study of Transplantation of Toona ciliata in Reservoir Area of Baihetan Hydropower Station
中文关键词: 红椿  抢救性移栽  关键影响因素  重点保护植物
英文关键词: Toona ciliata  salvage transplantation  key influencing factors  key protected plants
杨德勇 昆明驰云林业技术咨询有限公司,云南昆明 650051 
白祖云 昭通市森林和草原资源管理站,云南昭通657000 
谭斌 昆明驰云林业技术咨询有限公司,云南昆明 650051 
郑克锐 昆明驰云林业技术咨询有限公司,云南昆明 650051 
陈正唐 昆明驰云林业技术咨询有限公司,云南昆明 650051 
赖叶青 昆明驰云林业技术咨询有限公司,云南昆明 650051 
摘要点击次数: 317
全文下载次数: 264
      为保护白鹤滩水电站建设范围内国家二级保护野生植物红椿,采用抢救性移栽方法,移栽野 生红椿1 513 株,移栽后成活率达94.5%,2年后保存率90.9%。对抢救性移栽结果进行分析,认为 在移栽地选择适宜、采用技术得当的情况下,影响红椿抢救性移栽成败的关键因素中,起挖和栽植 间隔时间影响最大,其次是土球保留完整程度,再次是树体的损伤程度。移栽成活后,管护是影响 保存的关键,尤其是牲畜破坏和人为破坏造成的影响往往是不可逆的。
      In order to protect the national second level protected wild plant Toona ciliata within the construction scope of Baihetan Hydropower Station, a salvage transplantation method was adopted. 1 513 wild Toona ciliata plants were transplanted, with a survival rate of 94. 5% and a preservation rate of 90. 9% after two years. After analyzing the results of salvage transplantation, the key factors affecting the salvage transplantation of Toona ciliata were the interval time between planting, followed by the integrity of soil balls and the degree of tree damage when selecting the appropriate transplantation site and adopting appropriate technology. After transplantation, management was the key to preservation, especially for livestock and human damage, which were often irreversible.
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