Survival Rate and Growth Effect of Different Slope Aspect and Slope Position onEucalyptus robusta
中文关键词: 地形因子  光照  水肥分布  造林成活率  生长量
英文关键词: terrain factor  illumination  water and fertilizer distribution  survival rate  growth
林建 广西壮族自治区南宁良凤江国家森林公园,南宁树木园,广西 南宁 530031 
韦柳端 北京林业大学 城市林业研究中心,北京100083 
蓝柳凤 广西壮族自治区国有黄冕林场,广西 柳州 545618 
罗通 广西壮族自治区南宁良凤江国家森林公园,南宁树木园,广西 南宁 530031 
庞朱良 广西壮族自治区南宁良凤江国家森林公园,南宁树木园,广西 南宁 530031 
曾祥秀 广西壮族自治区国有黄冕林场,广西柳州545618 
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      分析不同坡向、坡位对桉树造林成活率、树高及胸径的影响。采用桉树组培苗木进行造林试 验,以1年生桉树人工林样地调查数据为研究对象,调查造林效果,记录样地坡向、坡位,并实测每 株林木的树高和胸径。结果表明,坡向或坡向与坡位二者的交互作用对桉树造林成活率、树高、胸 径的影响程度均强于坡位,其中坡向对桉树造林成活率及当年生长量的影响程度最大;不同坡向对 桉树造林成活率及当年生长量的影响极为显著,造林成活率受坡向的影响最大,不同坡位对桉树造 林成活率及当年生长量的影响不显著,坡位对造林成活率、树高、胸径的影响较小;从阳坡、半阳坡、 半阴坡、阴坡光照依次逐渐减弱,桉树造林成活率分别为90.83%、84.18%、77.34%、75.95%,平均 树高从8.59 m减小到7.57 m,平均胸径从6.26 cm 减小到5.43 cm;从阳坡到阴坡,桉树造林成活 率、平均树高、平均胸径均呈现逐渐减小的趋势,而随不同坡位的降低,其变化不明显,但均在中坡 表现出最小值。
      The effects of different slope aspect and slope positions on the survival rate, tree height and DBH of Eucalyptus robusta were analyzed. The afforestation experiment was carried out with Eucalyptus robusta tissue culture seedlings. Taking the survey data of 1-year-old Eucalyptus robusta plantation sample plot as the research object, the afforestation effect was investigated, the slope aspect and slope position of the sample plot were recorded, the tree height and DBH of each tree were measured. The results showed that the effect of slope aspect or the interaction between aspect and slope position on the survival rate, tree height and DBH of Eucalyptus robusta were stronger than that of slope, and the slope aspect had the greatest effect on the survival rate and growth of Eucalyptus robusta; different slope aspect had a significant impact on the survival rate and the growth of Eucalyptus robusta, and the survival rate was most affected by slope position; different slope position had no significant impact on the survival rate and the growth of Eucalyptus robusta, and the slope aspect had little impact on the survival rate, tree height and DBH; from sunny slope, semi-sunny slope, semi-cloudy slope and cloudy slope, the light gradually weakened, the survival rates of Eucalyptus robusta were 90.83%, 84.18%, 77.34% and 75.95% respectively, the tree height decreased from 8.59 m to 7.57 m, and the DBH decreased from 6. 26 cm to 5. 43 cm; from sunny slope to cloud slope, the survival rate, tree height and DBH of Eucalyptus robusta showed a gradual decreasing trend, but the change trend with different slope positions was not obvious, which showed the minimum value in the middle slope.
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