Investigation and Analysis of Wild Ornamental Plant Resources inHebei Maojingba Nature Reserve
中文关键词: 野生观赏植物  观赏特性  生活型  园林绿化  茅荆坝自然保护区
英文关键词: wild ornamental plant  ornamental characteristics  life form  landscaping  Maojingba Nature Reserve
陈玉新 河北省天然林保护中心,河北 石家庄050081 
高焕 河北地质大学,河北石家庄 050031 
姚迪 国家林业和草原局管理干部学院, 北京 102600 
王思宇 中国建筑设计研究院有限公司,北京100044 
王凯月 石家庄市园林绿化管护中心,河北 石家庄 050061 
摘要点击次数: 298
全文下载次数: 251
      通过田野调查和资料查询,对茅荆坝自然保护区野生观赏植物资源生活型进行调查统计。结 果显示,该区域主要有58 科123 属149 种审美价值较高的野生观赏植物。以此为基础,梳理归纳 这些植物各自的生长类型、生态习性、分布状况、花(果) 期、观赏部位、观赏特性和绿化用途等,分 析其在保护开发中存在的被破坏、被取代、被淘汰等问题,提出保护优先、合理开发、适度利用,按难 易程度递进开发利用,尊重生物多样性以及多层次开发、复合式利用等保护开发原则,为冀北地区 和地理环境相近地区提供参考借鉴。
      Through field investigation and data query, the preliminary results of the life form survey statistics of the wild ornamental plant resources in Maojingba Nature Reserve showed that there were 149 species, 123 genera and 58 families of wild ornamental plants with high aesthetic value in this area. This paper summarized the growth types, ecological habits, distribution, flowering (fruiting) stages, ornamental parts, ornamental characteristics and greening purposes of these plants, analyzed the problems of destruction, replacement and elimination of these plants in the protection and development, and put forward four principles of protection and development that priority of protection, rational development, appropriate utilization, progressive development according to the degree of difficulty, respect for biodiversity and multi-level development, compound utilization, so as to provide reference for the northern Hebei and regions with similar geographical environment.
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