Investigation on Terrestrial Wildlife Resources in Songshan Mountains
中文关键词: 嵩山山地  野生动物调查  红外相机  栖息地  种群数量
英文关键词: Songshan Mountains  wildlife surveys  infrared camera  habitat  population size
刘冰许 郑州市动物园(郑州市犬只收容站),河南 郑州 450008 
程国栋 平顶山市绿地(公园)管护事务中心,河南 平顶山 467000 
刘继华 郑州市动物园(郑州市犬只收容站),河南 郑州 450008 
王霄 鹿邑县林业局,河南鹿邑 477200 
薛继华 新蔡县关津乡综合执法大队,河南 新蔡 463500 
赵文珍 郑州市城区河道事务中心,河南 郑州450000 
张金霞 国有栾川县林场,河南 栾川 471500 
潘阳 昆明市动物园,云南昆明 650000 
杨洪涛 平顶山市园林绿化中心,河南 平顶山467000 
高友新 固始县林业科学研究所,河南 固始465200 
摘要点击次数: 426
全文下载次数: 346
      为摸清嵩山山地地理单元(Eb02-1)野生动物种类及数量情况,共设置20 个10 km×10 km 的 调查样区,应用标准化的方法和技术,采用样点、样线及红外相机相结合的方法,对鸟类、兽类、爬行 类和两栖类4 大类进行常规调查。结果表明,嵩山山地动物资源丰富,共调查到鸟类152 种,36 453 只;两栖类10 种,1 633 只;爬行类5 种,9 只;兽类18 种,1 202 只。其中国家一级保护动物4 种(鸟 类1 种,兽类3 种),国家二级保护动物8 种(鸟类5 种,兽类3 种)。此外还开展了野生动物栖息地 现状及保护状况调查,对野生动物种群数量及发展趋势进行分析,并对野生动物保护工作提出建议。
      A total of 20 survey sample areas of 10 km×10 km were set up in the wild animal survey of Songshan Mountains Geographical Unit (Eb02-1). The standardized methods and techniques were used to investigate the four categories of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians in Songshan Mountains by combining sample points, sample lines and infrared cameras. The results showed that the animal resources in the Songshan Mountains were abundant, with a total of 36 453 birds belonging to 152 species, 1 633 amphibians belonging to 10 species, 9 reptiles belonging to 5 species, 1 202 mammals belonging to 18 species. There were 4 species of national first-class protected animals (1 birds and 3 mammals), and 8 species of national second-class protected animals (5 birds and 3 mammals). In addition, this paper also carried out a survey on the current situation and protection status of wildlife habitats, the number of wildlife populations and the evaluation of development trends, and put forward relevant suggestions for wildlife protection in the region.
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