杨子江,王虹影,谭原潇,戴骊静,张雪.典型生态脆弱区生态空间规划与治理研究 ———以云南省迪庆藏族自治州为例[J].林业调查规划,2024,49(3):48-57
典型生态脆弱区生态空间规划与治理研究 ———以云南省迪庆藏族自治州为例
Ecological Space Planning and Governance in Typical EcologicallyFragile Areas———A Case Study of Deqen Tibetan Autonomous Region in Yunnan Province
中文关键词: 生态脆弱区  生态空间规划  生态空间治理  生态产品价值  迪庆藏族自治州
英文关键词: ecologically fragile areas  ecological space planning  ecological space governance  value of ecological products  Deqen Tibetan Autonomous Region
基金项目:面向可持续的香格里拉普达措国家公园体制试点区多功能景观识别与优化研究(52068067);面向SDGS 的三江并流世界自然 遗产地乡村社区可持续发展评价研究(2023Y0258).
杨子江 1. 云南大学 建筑与规划学院,云南 昆明 650504
2. 云南大学 国土空间规划研究院,云南 昆明 650031 
王虹影 云南大学 建筑与规划学院,云南 昆明 650504 
谭原潇 云南大学 建筑与规划学院,云南 昆明 650504 
戴骊静 云南大学 建筑与规划学院,云南 昆明 650504 
张雪 云南大学 建筑与规划学院,云南 昆明 650504 
摘要点击次数: 293
全文下载次数: 269
      生态脆弱区是生态环境易遭受破坏的主要区域,承担着水源涵养、物种多样性保护和生态碳 汇等重要职责,已成为生态空间规划与治理的重点关注区域。云南省迪庆藏族自治州处于西南山 地农牧交错脆弱区,是我国修复青藏高原南缘滇西北高山峡谷生态屏障的关键治理区域。基于生 态脆弱区异质性、不稳定性与时空波动性特征,剖析迪庆藏族自治州生态空间治理面临的重难点与 挑战,系统划定“深绿空间”、精细化划分“浅绿空间”,构建全域全要素生态空间治理体系,提出系 统实施生态修复、多维度探索生态价值转化增值、提升生态文化韧性的生态空间治理路径,引领典 型性生态脆弱区规划治理与绿色转型发展。
      The ecologically fragile area is the main area where the ecological environment is vulnerable to damage, and bears important responsibilities such as water conservation, species diversity protection and ecological carbon sinks, and has become a key area for ecological space planning and governance. Deqen Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province is located in the fragile area of farming-pastoral ecotone in the southwest mountainous area, which is a key control area for the restoration of the ecological barrier of alpine canyons in northwest Yunnan on the southern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China. Based on the heterogeneity, instability and spatio-temporal fluctuation characteristics of ecologically fragile areas, this paper analyzed the key difficulties and challenges faced by ecological space governance in Deqen, systematically delineated “dark green space” and finely divided “light green space”, constructed a global and all-factor ecological space governance system, and put forward the ecological space governance path of systematic implementation of ecological restoration, multi-dimensional exploration of ecological value transformation and appreciation, and improvement of ecological cultural resilience, so as to lead the planning, governance and green transformation and development of typical ecologically fragile areas.
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