Current Situation and Zoning Protection and Restoration Strategies ofRocky Desertification Grasslands in Karst Areas ofYunnan Province
中文关键词: 石漠化草原  分布特点  保护与修复  云南省岩溶地区
英文关键词: rocky desertification grassland  distribution characteristics  protection and restoration  karst areas of Yunnan Province
基金项目:云南省科技厅2023 年第二批科技成果转化专项资金(530000231100001753720).
彭正武 云南省林业调查规划院昆明分院,云南 昆明 650200 
袁启慧 云南省林业调查规划院昆明分院,云南 昆明 650200 
谢燕梅 云南省林业调查规划院昆明分院,云南 昆明 650200 
余正才 云南省林业调查规划院昆明分院,云南 昆明 650200 
毛凯东 云南省林业调查规划院昆明分院,云南 昆明 650200 
摘要点击次数: 311
全文下载次数: 277
      据最新调查数据,云南省石漠化草原主要分布于曲靖、昆明、红河等5个州( 市),总面积 37.97 万hm2,占岩溶土地面积的3.53%,其分布最广的海拔区间为1 500~2 500 m,占比47.85%, 基岩裸露度分布区间为30%~94%,以植被盖度为10%~19%的分布区间面积最广,占比37.85%, 绝大部分分布于土层薄甚至极薄区域,占比达92.10%。根据石漠化草原空间分布特征,在充分衔 接各大生态保护和修复工程建设规划基础上,统筹考虑岩溶生态系统的完整性、地理单元的连续性 和经济社会发展的可持续性,将云南省石漠化草原区划为6个分区,分区阐述石漠化草原生态保护 与修复策略。
      According to the latest survey data, the rocky desertification grassland in Yunnan Province is mainly distributed in five regions including Qujing City, Kunming City and Honghe Prefecture, with a total area of 379 700 hm2, accounting for 3.53% of the karst areas. The widest distribution range was from 1 500 to 2 500 meters above sea level, accounting for 47.85%, and the distribution range of bedrock exposure was 30% to 94%. The distribution range with vegetation coverage of 10% to 19% was the widest, accounting for 37.85%, with the vast majority distributed in areas with thin or even extremely thin soil layers, accounting for 92.10%. Based on the spatial distribution characteristics of rocky desertification grasslands, and fully connecting with the construction plans of various ecological protection and restoration projects, taking into account the integrity of karst ecosystems, the continuity of geographical units, and the sustainability of economic and social development, the distribution of rocky desertification grasslands in Yunnan Province was divided into six zones, and the ecological protection and restoration strategies of rocky desertification grasslands were elaborated in each zone.
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