Design of Visual Simulation Method for Forest ParkLandscape Greening Evolution
中文关键词: 森林公园  景观绿化演变  视觉模拟仿真  三维分形  多细节层次法
英文关键词: forest park  landscape greening evolution  visual simulation  three dimensional fractal  multi level of detail method
基金项目:2018 年度河南省高等学校青年骨干教师培养计划项目“智慧旅游背景下文化遗产旅游资源开发与保护研究——以三门峡陕州 地坑院景区为例”(2018GGJS248);2022 年度西安市社科规划基金课题“城乡融合背景下西安乡村“微度假”民宿设计策略研 究”(22TY30).
武嬿 陕西艺术职业学院 
摘要点击次数: 303
全文下载次数: 277
      由于森林公园景观人为干预较少,其绿化演变过程的随机性较强,视觉模拟过程中缺少对森 林景观中细节细分的过程,导致森林层次区域的模拟失真。为解决这种问题,提高森林公园景观绿 化演变视觉模拟效果,提出一种基于智能算法的模拟方法,即运用中点位移法与连续随机增加法对 森林景观图像去褶皱,利用多细节层次法生成原始森林景观三角形网格,利用分形技术递归细分该 森林景观的三角形网格,视觉过渡不同细节层次区域,经视觉渲染后最终获得景观绿化演变视觉模 拟结果。测试实验表明,该方法模拟的森林公园景观绿化演变图像较为清晰、逼真。
      Due to less human intervention in the forest park landscape, the randomness of its greening evolution process is strong, and the lack of detailed segmentation of the forest landscape in the visual simulation process leads to the simulation distortion of the forest level area. In order to solve this problem and improve the visual simulation effect of forest park landscape greening evolution, this paper proposed a visual simulation method of forest park landscape greening evolution based on intelligent algorithm. The forest image was deconstructed by the midpoint displacement method and the continuous random increase method. The original forest landscape triangle mesh was generated by using the multi level of detail method, and the fractal technology was used to recursively subdivide the triangle mesh of the forest landscape to visually transition the regions with different levels of detail. The visual simulation results of the forest park landscape greening evolution with realistic effects were finally obtained after visual rendering. The test results showed that the forest park landscape greening evolution simulated by this method was clearer and more realistic.
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