Innovative Path of Nature Education Based on Natural Protected Areas
中文关键词: 自然保护地  自然教育  教育模式  生态文明
英文关键词: natural protected areas  natural education  education model  ecological civilization
陈长启 北京市密云区园林绿化局,北京 101500 
徐卫刚 中国林业科学研究院生态保护与修复研究所,北京 100091 
王尚慧 国家林业和草原局国家公园(自然保护地)发展中心,北京100714 
摘要点击次数: 292
全文下载次数: 263
      随着我国自然教育的快速发展,自然保护地依托自然生态系统、自然遗迹和自然景观等自然 资源及其独特的人文资源,已经成为自然教育的重要场所。为保障自然保护地自然教育工作的科 学有序开展,梳理当前我国自然保护地开展自然教育的现状,分析自然保护地开展自然教育的具体 实践和存在的主要问题。针对顶层设计不完善、教育资源挖掘不够、配套设施短缺、专业人才匮乏、 社会参与机制尚未形成等突出问题,提出自然保护地开展自然教育的具体路径。一是自然保护地 行政管理部门做好顶层设计,疏通多元参与渠道,为自然保护地开展自然教育构建完善制度体系。 二是自然保护地主动接受行政管理部门的指导,探索构建与自然保护地自然和人文资源紧密结合的 自然教育实践模式。三是自然保护地要大力加强自然教育设施建设,结合人工智能等高新技术,打造 智能自然教育一体化平台;结合独特的自然和人文资源,开发精品课程、编写特色教材;利用新媒体技 术做好宣传引导;严格管理程序,不断强化安全管理;注重存量人才培养,积极拓宽引才渠道等。
      With the rapid development of nature education in China, natural protected areas have become important places for nature education, relying on natural resources such as natural ecosystems, natural relics and natural landscapes and unique cultural resources. In order to ensure the scientific and orderly development of nature education in natural protected areas, this paper combed the current status of nature education in natural protected areas, analyzed the specific practice and main problems of nature education. In view of the outstanding problems such as imperfect top-level design, insufficient exploitation of educational resources, shortage of supporting facilities, professional talents and social participation mechanism, this paper put forward the specific path to carry out nature education in natural protected areas. First, the administrative departments of nature protected areas should do a good job in top-level design, dredge multiple participation channels, and build a perfect system for carrying out natural education in natural protected areas. Second, the protected areas should be actively guided by administrative departments to explore the construction of a natural education practice model closely integrated with the natural and cultural resources. Third, the main department of natural protected areas should vigorously strengthen the construction of natural education facilities and create an integrated platform for intelligent natural education by combining high -tech technologies such as artificial intelligence, develop high-quality courses and write characteristic textbooks by combining unique natural and cultural resources, utilize new media technology to promote and guide effectively, strictly manage procedures and continuously strengthen safety management, pay attention to the cultivation of existing talents and actively expand channels for talent introduction.
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