陈传国,陈红跃,郑洁玮,卢雅莉,姜 杰,杨超裕,陈黄礼,张阳锋,马延军,陈锦红.东江水源涵养林不同混交组合林下植物多样性研究[J].林业调查规划,2024,49(3):119-123
Undergrowth Plant Diversity of Different Mixed Combinations inWater-Conserved Plantations of Dongjiang
中文关键词: 东江  水源涵养林  混交组合  植物多样性  广东
英文关键词: Dongjiang  water-conserved plantation  mixed combination  plant diversity  Guangdong
陈传国 广东省林业调查规划院,广东 广州 510520 
陈红跃 华南农业大学 林学与风景园林学院,广东 广州 510642 
郑洁玮 广东省林业调查规划院,广东 广州 510520 
卢雅莉 广东省林业调查规划院,广东 广州 510520 
姜 杰 广东省林业调查规划院,广东 广州 510520 
杨超裕 广东省林业调查规划院,广东 广州 510520 
陈黄礼 广东省林业调查规划院,广东 广州 510520 
张阳锋 广东省林业调查规划院,广东 广州 510520 
马延军 广东省林业调查规划院,广东 广州 510520 
陈锦红 广东省林业调查规划院,广东 广州 510520 
摘要点击次数: 287
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      为揭示东江水源涵养林5 年生8种不同混交组合林下植物多样性的差异及其规律。对8种 不同混交组合林分样地开展植物多样性调查,对每种混交组合林下的灌木、藤本、草本层进行植物 多样性评价。结果表明,林下植物丰富度指数均不高,Simpson指数与种间相遇机率(PIE) 在数值 上相等,但其与Shannon-Wiener指数间则相差较大;从林下植物多样性指标的聚类分析看,混交组 合楠木×锥栗、红苞木×枫香、火力楠×红锥、椆木×红锥、格木×海南红豆的植物多样性指数较高,而 混交组合红锥×枫香的植物多样性指数较低。
      In order to reveal the difference and regularity of plant diversity under 8 different mixed combinations of 5-year-old water-conserved plantation in Dongjiang, the plant diversity survey was conducted, and the shrub, vine, and herb layers were evaluated for plant diversity. The results showed that the richness indexes of the species were not very favorable, values of the Simpson′s Index were equal to the interspecific encounter probability (PIE) but differed dramatically from Shannon-Wiener index. The cluster analysis of undergrowth plant diversity indicators showed that Phoebe nanma×Cyclobalanopsis chinensis, Rhodoleia championii × Liquidambar formosana, Michelia macclurei × Castanopsis hystrix, Lithocarpus thalassica×Castanopsis hystrix, Erythrophloeum fordii×Ormosia pinnata were the ideal types with higher diversity, but the Castanopsis hystrix×Liquidambar formosana was the lowest one.
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