Soil Survey on Qinghuahai National Wetland Park
中文关键词: 土壤类型  剖面特征  养分含量  青华海国家湿地公园
英文关键词: soil type  profile characteristics  nutrient content  Qinghuahai National Wetland Park
贠新华 云南省林业和草原科学院,云南 昆明 650201 
余昌元 云南省林业调查规划院,云南 昆明 650051 
摘要点击次数: 278
全文下载次数: 272
      采用传统的土壤剖面调查结合典型线路调查方法,对青华海国家湿地公园进行土壤调查研 究。结果表明,区域内主要土壤类型为红壤、水稻土、冲积土和沼泽土。描述各土类的分布、剖面构 型及特征、基本理化性质等。分布面积最大的是处于汇水区的云南松或松栎混交林下的红壤以及 坝子区域的潴育性水稻土,大多土层深厚,剖面完整,诊断层较典型,具有较好的土壤生态系统,土 壤肥力状况良好。提出对现有低质低效林分进行适当改造,关注水稻土的保护与合理使用,进一步 开展沼泽土及底泥的区域调查研究。
      A soil survey was conducted on Qinghuahai National Wetland Park by using traditional soil profile survey combined with typical route survey methods. The results showed that four types of soil namely red soil, paddy soil, alluvial soil and swamp soil were identified. The distribution, soil profile configuration and characteristics, basic physical and chemical properties of the soil types were described. The largest distribution area was the red soil under the Pinus yunnanensis forest or the pine-oak mixed forest in the catchment area and the hydromorphic paddy soil in the dam area. Most of the soil layers were deep, with complete profiles, typical diagnostic layers, good soil ecosystems and good soil fertility. This paper proposed appropriate transformation of existing low-quality and inefficient forest stands, focusing on the protection and rational use of paddy soil, and further conducting regional investigation and research on swamp soil and sediment.
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