Soil Moisture Characteristics of Major Afforestation Tree Species in North and SouthMountains of Xining City
中文关键词: 怀化市  国家重点保护野生植物  古树群  古树名木  珍稀濒危等级
英文关键词: Huaihua City  national key protected wild plants  ancient trees groups  ancient and famous trees  rare and endangered level
基金项目:2022年度中央财政林业科技推广示范资金项目([2022]07);湖南省科技厅科技特派员服务乡村振兴项目(2022NK4191);怀化 市科技计划项目(2021R3122).
陶德树 怀化市林业调查设计院,湖南 怀化 418000 
摘要点击次数: 545
全文下载次数: 455
      为查清怀化市国家重点保护植物名录中的古树资源,对怀化市国家重点保护古树进行全面调 查,并对重点保护古树的类型、濒危等级、海拔分布等进行了研究。结果表明,怀化市共分布有国家 重点保护古树17 种、2 018 株,属于13 科14 属,全市13 个县级行政单位均有分布;古树树种以银 杏、南方红豆杉、闽楠和大叶榉树为主,每个树种均在200 株以上;古树平均胸径76.4 cm、平均树高 19.3 m、平均树龄227 a,适宜古树生长的海拔区间为300~800 m。以期为怀化市的生物多样性保 护及营造林树种选择提供参考。
      In order to find out the ancient tree resources in the list of national key protected plants in Huaihua City, the research was conducted on the types, endangered levels, and altitude distribution of key protected ancient trees. The results showed that there were 17 species and 2 018 ancient trees under national key protection in Huaihua City, belonging to 14 genera and 13 families, which distributed in all 13 county-level administrative units in the city. The main ancient tree species were Ginkgo biloba, Taxus wallichiana, Phoebe bournei and Zelkova schneideriana, each of which had more than 200 trees. The average DBH of old trees was 76.4 cm, the average height was 19.3 m, and the average age was 227 a. The altitude range suitable for the growth of ancient trees was 300-800 meters. The results provided reference for biodiversity conservation and afforestation tree species selection in Huaihua City.
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