Diversity and Protection of Orchidaceae Plants in Wufeng Houhe NationalNature Reserve of Hubei Province
中文关键词: 湖北后河国家级自然保护区  兰科植物  多样性  区系成分  分布特征  资源保护
英文关键词: Houhe National Nature Reserve of Hubei  Orchidaceae plants  diversity  floristic composition  distribution characteristics  resource protection
基金项目:国家林业和草原局重点研发项目(GLM [2021]037 号);广西八桂青年拔尖人才项目;国家重点研发计划课题(No. 2022YFF1300703).
龚仁琥 湖北五峰后河国家级自然保护区,湖北 宜昌 443400 
程玉芬 湖北五峰后河国家级自然保护区,湖北 宜昌 443401 
王业清 湖北五峰后河国家级自然保护区,湖北 宜昌 443402 
宗宇 湖北五峰后河国家级自然保护区,湖北 宜昌 443403 
摘要点击次数: 271
全文下载次数: 278
      以湖北五峰后河国家级自然保护区兰科植物为研究对象,采用全域监测方法开展调查,研究 其种类组成多样性、区系成分、空间分布等特性及资源保护现状。结果表明,研究区已知有兰科植 物36属100种,生活型齐全,珍稀濒危级别高;兰科植物区系成分复杂,特有性明显,分布不均匀, 小生境影响偏大,保护地位重要。应从优化三区区划、提升保护能力、加强兰科植物认知普及、与时 俱进创新保护方法等方面持续性做好兰科植物的保护工作,以期为保护区及周边地区兰科植物未 来保护和发展提供科学依据。
      The comprehensive monitoring method was used to investigated the species diversity, floristic composition, spatial distribution and protection status of Orchidaceae plants in Wufeng Houhe National Nature Reserve, Hubei Province. The results showed that there were 100 species of orchids belonging to 36 genera in the study area, with complete life forms and rare and endangered species; the flora of Orchidaceae plants was complex in composition, with obvious endemism and uneven distribution, the impact of small habitats was greater, and the conservation status was important. This paper proposed to continuously promote the protection of Orchidaceae plants from optimizing the zoning of the three regions, improving protection capabilities, strengthening awareness and popularization of Orchidaceae plants, and innovating protection methods in line with the times, to provide scientific basis for the future protection and development of Orchidaceae plants in the nature reserve and surrounding areas.
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