Meteorological Conditions and Forecasting Methods of Acer truncatumDiscoloration in Horqin Sandy Land
中文关键词: 沙地五角枫  枫叶变色  气象阈值  预报因子  枫红指数
英文关键词: Acer truncatum  maple leaf discoloration  meteorological threshold  forecast factor  maple red index
贾宁 通辽市气象局,内蒙古 通辽 028000 
王一冰 通辽市气象局,内蒙古 通辽 028001 
于静 通辽市气象局,内蒙古 通辽 028002 
刘梦迪 通辽市气象局,内蒙古 通辽 028003 
陶晨 通辽市气象局,内蒙古 通辽 028004 
杨旋 通辽市气象局,内蒙古 通辽 028005 
摘要点击次数: 300
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      对沙地五角枫近6年红叶数据进行数字化处理,得出枫叶变色率及变色规律;结合气象要素 资料,研究不同变色期的气象阈值条件;利用不同气象要素与枫叶变色率的相关性对枫叶变色率短 期、长期预报方法进行详细研究。研究结果表明:沙地五角枫初红日序为10月1日,大部分枫树在 10月上旬处于斑红,正红日序为10月15日,枫叶进入斑红和正红的时间受逐日气象条件影响较 大;日最低温、日最高温、日均温、日均湿度、日最低地面温度越低,枫叶变色率越高,变色率与日降 水量、气温日较差、日照时数呈微弱相关;近10 d 累积气温越低、日照时数越多、累积湿度越小、累 积降水越少,枫叶变色率越高;长期预报因子为6月平均湿度和9 月平均气温、平均日照时数、平均 最高温度;根据温度阈值建立了枫叶变色因子方程,结合赏枫天气因子建立了枫红气象指数及服务 产品,经检验适用性较好。
      This paper digitized the red leaf data of Acer truncatum in the past 6 years to obtain the discoloration rate and discoloration law of the maple leaf, and studied the meteorological threshold conditions of different color change periods in combination with meteorological element data. The correlation between different meteorological factors and the discoloration rate of maple leaves was used to study the short-term and long-term forecasting methods of the discoloration rate of maple leaves in detail. The results showed that the first red day sequence of Acer truncatum was October 1st, most maples were in spotted red in early October, and the pure red day sequence was October 15th, and the time of maple leaves in spotted red and pure red was greatly affected by daily meteorological conditions; the lower the daily minimum temperature, daily maximum temperature, daily average temperature, daily average humidity and daily minimum ground temperature, the higher the discoloration rate of maple leaves, and the discoloration rate was weakly correlated with daily precipitation, daily temperature range and sunshine hours; the lower the accumulated temperature, the more sunshine hours, the lower the accumulated humidity and the less accumulated precipitation in the past 10 days, the higher the discoloration rate of maple leaves; the long-term forecast factors were the monthly average humidity in June, the monthly average temperature in September, the average sunshine hours in September, and the average maximum temperature in September; the discoloration factor equation of maple leaf was established based on temperature thresholds, and the meteorological index and service products were established in combination with maple appreciation weather factors, and was tested to be good on applicability.
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