杨丽娜,梁春旺,赵玉兵,张杰,贾秋兰.基于GIS 的邢台市核桃种植气候适宜性区划研究[J].林业调查规划,2024,49(3):171-175,193
基于GIS 的邢台市核桃种植气候适宜性区划研究
Climate Suitability Zoning for Walnut Cultivation in Xingtai City Basedon GIS
中文关键词: 核桃种植  气候适宜性  隶属函数  GIS  邢台市
英文关键词: walnut cultivation  climate suitability  membership function  GIS  Xingtai City
杨丽娜 邢台市气象局,河北 邢台 054000 
梁春旺 邢台市气象局,河北 邢台 054001 
赵玉兵 邢台市气象局,河北 邢台 054002 
张杰 邢台市气象局,河北 邢台 054003 
贾秋兰 邢台市气象局,河北 邢台 054004 
摘要点击次数: 281
全文下载次数: 270
      利用邢台市1991—2020 年17个国家气象站资料,结合地理信息数据,基于GIS 对核桃种植 进行气候适宜性区划。对邢台市核桃生长的气候适宜性进行分析,选取年均温、≥10℃有效积温、 年降水量、极端最低温、年日照时数、日最高温≥40℃日数、终霜冻日早于≥稳定通过10℃初日日 数7 个因子作为邢台市核桃种植气候适宜性区划指标,基于GIS对各区划指标进行插值,结合模糊 数学隶属函数得到邢台市核桃气候适宜性区划图。结果表明,邢台市核桃种植气候最适宜区主要 分布在邢台市东部平原、西部浅丘陵地带;气候次适宜区主要分布在邢台市中部平原地区、西部丘 陵地带;气候不适宜区主要分布在邢台市西部深山区及水库和建筑用地。
      Climate suitability zoning for walnut cultivation based on GIS technology was carried out by using meteorological and geographic information data from 17 national meteorological stations in Xingtai from 1991 to 2020. Based on the analysis of the climate suitability for the growth of walnut in Xingtai, seven factors, including annual mean temperature, effective accumulated temperature more than 10℃, annual precipitation, extreme minimum temperature, annual sunshine hours, daily maximum temperature more than 40℃ days, and days of final frost earlier than the initial days of more than stable passage of 10℃, were selected as indicators of climate suitability zoning. The climate suitability zoning map of walnut in Xingtai was obtained by using GIS interpolation of various zoning indicators and fuzzy membership functions. The results showed that the suitable areas were mainly distributed in the eastern plain and the western shallow hilly areas; the less suitable areas were mainly distributed in the central plain and western hilly areas; the unsuitable areas were mainly distributed in the western mountainous areas and the reservoirs and construction land.
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