刘骥,周心怡.基于GIS模型的地域性灌木园林景观空间平衡性 布局最优规划仿真[J].林业调查规划,2024,49(3):176-181
基于GIS模型的地域性灌木园林景观空间平衡性 布局最优规划仿真
Optimal Planning and Simulation of Spatial Balance Layout of Regional Shrub Garden Landscape Basedon GIS Model
中文关键词: GIS模型  地域性灌木  园林景观  空间平衡性  布局最优规划
英文关键词: GIS model  regional shrubs  garden landscape  spatial balance  optimal layout planning
刘骥 江苏省规划设计集团有限公司,江苏 南京 210036 
周心怡 江苏省城乡发展研究中心,江苏 南京 210003 
摘要点击次数: 296
全文下载次数: 288
      针对当前对景观结构与功能相互关系分析的方法缺少,导致灌木面积演化后大幅度减少的问 题,提出基于GIS模型的地域性灌木园林景观空间平衡性布局最优规划仿真。统计基于GIS模型 的地域性灌木高程数据,在ArcGIS中计算灌木景观热力学熵,判断空间布局平衡性。分析地域性 灌木分配均匀度、空间平衡性布局优势度和布局规划维度指标,定量分析景观格局结构与功能的相 互关系。通过空间平衡性布局最优规划指标,计算地域性灌木斑块面积占比和灌木斑块密度指数, 通过GIS模型交互反馈解决规划过程中维度低的问题。将对比度、信息熵、元素间相似程度作为描 述向量,结合最大似然法进行布局最优规划仿真,使用综合指数评价法构建GIS评价模型,按照空 间平衡性设定布局标准,获取合理规划结果。仿真结果表明,采用该方法进行灌木园林景观布局规 划,演化后的灌木面积为5.0×105 hm2,与所研究方法一致。研究结果表明,使用该方法进行地域性 灌木园林景观空间平衡性布局最合理。
      The current lack of methods for analyzing the relationship between landscape structure and function has led to a significant reduction in shrub area after evolution. This paper proposed an optimal planning and simulation of spatial balance layout in regional shrub garden landscapes based on GIS models. The regional shrub elevation data based on the GIS model was counted, and the thermodynamic entropy of the shrub landscape was calculated in ArcGIS to judge the balance of the spatial layout. The distribution uniformity of regional shrubs, the spatial balance of layout dominance and the dimension indicators of layout planning were analyzed, and the relationship between landscape pattern structure and function was quantitatively analyzed. Through the optimal planning index of spatially balanced layout, the percentage of regional shrub patch area in the total landscape and the shrub patch density index were calculated, and the problem of low dimension in the planning process was solved through the interactive feedback of the GIS model. Contrast, information entropy, and similarity between elements were used as description vectors, combined with the maximum likelihood method for optimal layout planning, the comprehensive index evaluation method was used to build a GIS evaluation model, and the layout standards were set according to spatial balance to obtain reasonable planning results. The simulation results showed that the shrub area was 5.0×105 hm2 after the method of shrub garden landscape layout planning and evolution, which was consistent with the research method, indicating that this method was the most reasonable layout.
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