刘小燕,程爱林,张峰玲,黄天来,项小军,沈力舟,王建勇,王好军.新形势下森林防灭火工作面临的新挑战与对策探析 ——以浙江省青田县为例[J].林业调查规划,2024,49(3):194-198,205
新形势下森林防灭火工作面临的新挑战与对策探析 ——以浙江省青田县为例
New Challenges and Strategies for Forest Fire Prevention andControl under New Circumstances——A Case Study of Qingtian County, Zhejiang Province
中文关键词: 森林防灭火  森林防火预警体系  火灾风险  林火阻隔体系  青田县
英文关键词: forest fire prevention and extinguishing  forest fire warning system  fire risk  forest fire barrier system  Qingtian County
刘小燕 青田县林业局,浙江 青田 323900 
程爱林 浙江省森林资源监测中心,浙江 杭州 310020 
张峰玲 青田县林业局,浙江 青田 323900 
黄天来 青田县林业局,浙江 青田 323900 
项小军 青田县林业局,浙江 青田 323900 
沈力舟 浙江省林业勘测规划设计有限公司,浙江 杭州 310020 
王建勇 青田县林业局,浙江 青田 323900 
王好军 青田县祯埠镇人民政府,浙江 青田 323913 
摘要点击次数: 286
全文下载次数: 277
      青田县目前共有森林消防队伍44支,配备了15辆防火专用大型车和27辆防火专用小型车, 还配置有短波、超短波、微波通信设备139个,卫星通信系统设备312个,大型机动灭火装备37台, 已建立了监督问责机制,布设了61套高位预警监控视频系统,形成了全社会共同参与的森林防火 宣教与普及格局。但森林防灭火工作仍面临新的挑战,诸如防火环境复杂性增加,林火阻隔体系和 以水灭火设施尚不完善等,藉此,提出建立健全适应气候变化的森林防火预警体系,强化林区管理 与人为活动监管,降低火灾风险,优化森林植被结构,完善森林防火基础信息系统化、数字化融合等 策略,以提高青田县森林防灭火能力。
      At present, Qingtian County has a total of 44 forest fire brigades, equipped with 15 large fire prevention vehicles, 27 small fire prevention vehicles, 139 communication equipment of short wave, ultra short wave and microwave, 312 satellite communication equipment, and 37 large mobile fire extinguishing level warning and monitoring video systems have been deployed, forming a forest fire prevention education and popularization pattern with the participation of the whole society. However, forest fire prevention and extinguishing work still faces new challenges, such as the increasing complexity of fire prevention environments, incomplete forest fire barrier systems and water extinguishing facilities, etc. This paper proposed to establish and improve the forest fire prevention and early warning system adapting to climate change, strengthen forest area management and human activity supervision, reduce fire risk, optimize forest vegetation structure, improve forest fire prevention basic information systematization and digital integration, to improve the forest fire prevention and extinguishing capacity of Qingtian County.
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