田明华,王春波,刘诚,孟晓,郑婕妤.森林康养消费意愿—行为与服务质量期望—感知调查 及差距分析[J].林业调查规划,2024,49(3):206-213
森林康养消费意愿—行为与服务质量期望—感知调查 及差距分析
Investigation and Gap Analysis on Willingness-Behavior andExpectation-Perception of Forest Therapy Consumption
中文关键词: 森林康养  消费意愿  消费行为  服务期望  服务感知  差距分析
英文关键词: forest therapy  consumer willingness  consumption behavior  service expectation  service perception  gap analysis
田明华 北京林业大学 经济管理学院,北京 100083
北京林业大学 中国绿都研究院,北京 100083 
王春波 国宏新型城镇化发展联盟,北京 100015 
刘诚 北京林业大学 两山理论与可持续发展研究中心,北京 100083 
孟晓 北京林业大学 经济管理学院,北京 100083 
郑婕妤 北京林业大学 经济管理学院,北京 100083 
摘要点击次数: 311
全文下载次数: 241
      基于对森林康养实际消费者问卷调查,发现森林康养消费者消费意愿—行为差距和森林康养 服务质量期望—感知差距,根据差距分析提出以需求为导向的森林康养供给侧改革方向。研究表 明,森林康养消费意愿强烈,森林康养潜在市场空间巨大,在消费次数、消费金额和消费时长等方面 均远未达到消费者的预期,可以成为森林康养产业发展的增长点。配套设施、管理服务的期望—感 知差距最大,因此,完善配套设施、提升管理服务成为森林康养项目重点改进方向。应从丰富自然 资源多样性着手减少自然生态类因素的期望—感知差距,提高康养项目体验性与多样性,为消费者 提供高性价比的森林康养产品,重点提升消费者的身心愉悦感。
      The questionnaire survey of the actual forest therapy consumers found the gap between the forest therapy consumption willingness and behavior, and the gap between the forest therapy service quality expectation and perception. According to the gap analysis, the demand oriented reform direction of the forest therapy supply-side reform was proposed. The research showed that the forest therapy consumption willingness was strong, and the potential market space for forest therapy was huge. The consumption frequency, amount, and duration was far from meeting consumers′expectations, and could become a growth point for the development of the forest therapy industry. The expectation-perception gap of supporting facilities and management services were the largest. Therefore, improving supporting facilities and promoting management services were really the key reform direction for forest therapy project. The forest therapy project should enrich the diversity of natural resources to reduce the expectation-perception gap of natural ecological factors, improve the experience and diversity of therapy projects, pay attention to providing consumers with cost-effective forest therapy products, and focus on improving consumers′ sense of physical and mental pleasure.
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