Seed Morphological Variation of Quercus mongolica and Its Relationshipwith Environmental Factors at Regional Scale
中文关键词: 气候因子  地理因子  蒙古栎  种子形态  区域尺度
英文关键词: climate factor  geographic factors  Quercus mongolica  seed morphology  regional scale
吕鹏程 河南农业大学,河南 郑州 450002 
摘要点击次数: 368
全文下载次数: 351
      暖干化背景下,为了解蒙古栎对环境变化的适应能力,在区域尺度上采集14 个蒙古栎种群的 种子样品,测定并计算其形态指标,探讨了区域尺度上种子形态变异特点及其与环境因子的关系。 结果表明,种子长度和宽度在种群间差异极显著,但长宽比差异不显著。种子长度、宽度和百粒重 与年降水量、干燥指数间呈极显著正相关,而年均温、海拔、纬度与各形态指标无显著相关关系。种 子长宽比随环境改变未发生明显的变化,大致趋于稳定。本研究结果为全球气候变化背景下,掌握 蒙古栎对环境变化的适应与响应机制提供了基础。
      Under the background of warming and drying, in order to understand the adaptability of Quercus mongolica to environmental changes, 14 seed samples of Q. mongolica populations were collected at the regional scale, their morphological indexes were measured and calculated, and the characteristics of seed morphological variation at the regional scale and its relationship with environmental factors were discussed. The results showed that the difference of seed length and seed width between populations was extremely significant, but the difference of length to width ratio was not significant. The seed length, seed width and 100-seed weight were positively correlated with the annual precipitation and dryness, while the annual mean temperature, altitude and latitude were not significantly correlated with each morphological index. The seed aspect ratio had no obvious change trend with the change of environment, and tended to be stable. The results of this study provided a basis for mastering the adaptation and response mechanism of Q. mongolica to environmental change in the context of global climate change.
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