Plant Resources of Jinju Municipal Nature Reserve in Huiyang
中文关键词: 植物资源  区系特征  优势种  植被类型  惠阳金桔市级自然保护区
英文关键词: plant resources  floristic characteristics  dominant species  vegetation type  Jinju Municipal Nature Reserve in Huiyang
黎映欣 广东省岭南院勘察设计有限公司,广东 广州 510000 
摘要点击次数: 97
全文下载次数: 105
      采用实地调查、现场测量、样方法和有关资料统计对惠阳金桔市级自然保护区植物资源进行调查,研究其植物区系、植被类型、植物物种及其分布、珍稀濒危及特有植物分布。结果表明,保护区植物共计149科504属803 种,其中野生维管植物140科478属762种,在各类群中呈现不均匀分布,科内属的组成相对贫乏,属内种的组成较为贫乏;植被优势种依次为鸭脚木、黧蒴、黄樟、土沉香、木荷等;保护区内被子植物(118科439属700 种)占主导地位,裸子植物野生种类较贫乏(仅1科1属3种),蕨类植物(21科38属59 种)种类相对丰富。
      Using field investigations, on-site measurements, sampling methods, and relevant data statistics, this study investigated the plant resources of Huiyang Jinju City level Nature Reserve, studying its flora, vegetation types, plant species and their distribution, as well as the distribution of rare, endangered, and endemic plants. The results showed that there were a total of 803 species of plants belonging to 504 genera and 149 families in the protected area, including 762 species belonging to 478 genera and 140 families of wild vascular plants, which showed uneven distribution among various groups. The composition of genera within the family was relatively poor, and the composition of species within the genus was poor; the dominant vegetation species in order were Schefflera octophylla, Castanopsis fissa , Cinnamomum parthenoxylon , Aquilaria sinensis , Schima superba ; the angiosperms (700 species, 439 genera and 118 families) were dominant in the nature reserve, the wild species of gymnospermscarce (3 species, 1 genus and 1 family) were relatively scarce, and the ferns (59 species, 38 genera and 21 families) were relatively abundant.
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